CLEAPSS is an advisory service providing support in science and technology for local authorities and their schools including establishments for pupils with special needs. Independent schools, post-16 colleges, teacher training establishments, curriculum developers and others can apply for associate membership. CLEAPSS offers help from nursery education through to A-level studies or equivalent.
When you purchase CLEAPPS through Haringey you automatically have access to the Radiation & Protection Service and a Radiation Protection Advisor as required by the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017
Service Standards
1) Immediate response to serious accidents or emergencies
2) Clear timelines for responding to queries, requests for support and advice
3) Dedicated, named adviser
4) Follow-up service for your school where necessary
Statutory Services
The law requires that there is access to qualified, competent health and safety advice. Our Schools Health and Safety service is designed to meet this need.
We provide an annual “health check” report, giving you the assurance you need.
You also get advice and support on hand whenever you need it.
Standard terms and conditions apply. Please see the shopping basket for more details