Admissions : Criteria and Measurement Guidance

Covering all aspects of school admissions guidance and the effective application of schools admission criteria. Support for schools, governors and parent groups.

The School Admissions Team offers advice and guidance to parent/carers and schools relating to all aspects of school admissions. The team coordinates admission to Primary and Secondary school as part of the Pan London Coordinated Admissions System. The team also coordinates in-year admissions, for example families who have moved into the area or wish to transfer school. The team will support your governors in applying your admissions criteria.


1) Home to school distance measurements using the LA?s computerised mapping system - fair, transparent and accurate system which is less open to challenge

2) The governing body have the reassurance that the process has been conducted strictly in accordance with the law

3) Prospective parents will be reassured of the impartiality of those applying the criteria, which again reduces the challenge from parents


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Key Service Features

• Accurate and consistent home to school measurements produced

• Application of your admissions criteria to your list of applicants on behalf of your governors

Our Services in Detail

• Level 1 Service

The team will provide your governors with home to school measurements for all applicants Dates will be agreed for delivery to ensure your governors have the distances when they meet to apply your admissions criteria.

• Level 2 Service

The team will apply your criteria in accordance with the arrangements your governors have determined

Reports will be issued at three agreed points between the date of application and offer to demonstrate to governors that the criteria have been applied correctly.



Service Standards

1) Distances will be delivered within 7 working days of the agreed request

2) Central coordination successful in other areas such as Reception and Secondary Transfer

Statutory Services

1) Co-ordination of every application made for reception and the secondary transfer process

2) Setting and applying the admissions criteria for community schools only

Standard terms and conditions apply. Please see the shopping basket for more details

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