Bronze (1 day per half term) Academic Year 2024/25 Autumn and Spring term

Attendance and welfare support and advice for schools There is a clear and demonstrable correlation between regular attendance at school and pupil progress and achievement. Our service provides advice, guidance and training in relation to legislation and best practice. We offer support and training to improve whole school attendance and undertake missing pupil, non-starter and non-returner enquiries and provide guidance in relation to deleting pupils from registers. Our officers will undertake casework in relation to irregular attendance of individual pupil, and our service manages the formal process in cases where attendance fails to improve.


1) A dedicated and experienced officer, with extensive practical knowledge, will work with your school to improve both whole school and individual pupil attendance

2) Our packages of support are designed to address the specific needs of your school

3) Early help and early intervention support

4) We can support you prior to and during Ofsted inspections in relation to attendance management

5) There is a clear and demonstrable correlation between good attendance and high educational achievement and pupil progress

6) Advice and guidance in relation to attendance and welfare concerns

7) Advice and guidance in relation to legislation and Department for Education guidance and best practice

8) Parental consent is not required for a referral to the Education Welfare Service, ensuring a swift response and feedback to school

9) Support and advice in relation to referrals for additional services

10) Parent/school mediation and advice


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Key Service Features

The Education Welfare and Attendance Service offers four levels of service, each tailored to your school's needs. Our service is able to provide a wide range of support designed to improve the attendance and punctuality of pupils, to support improvement with the level of engagement of parents, and to improve whole school attendance. A broad package of individual service elements is also available.

Our Services in Detail

The Education Welfare Service offers four levels of service: platinum, gold, silver and bronze, each tailored to your school's needs. All statutory work is delivered at no cost, but the service is able to provide a much wider range of additional services designed to improve the attendance and punctuality of your pupils, to improve the levels of engagement of parents, and to improve whole school attendance. Individual service elements are also available.

1. Platinum service package:

A bespoke service tailored to the specific requirements of your school, with up to two days per week of dedicated officer time to work with you for improving the attendance of your pupils.

2. Gold service package:

A bespoke service tailored to the requirements of your school, with one day per week regular officer time dedicated to improving the attendance of your pupils.

3. Silver service package:

A bespoke service tailored to the requirements of your school, with a half day per week regular officer time dedicated to improving the attendance of your pupils.

4. Bronze Service:

package A bespoke service tailored to the requirements of your school, with one day per half term of officer time dedicated to improving the attendance of your pupils. This is now an annual package featuring either:

Bronze package:

6 full days' EWO support depending on your needs, or Bronze 'light': 6 half days' EWO support depending on your needs.

NEW for 2017/2018:

Training and advice for new Education Welfare Officers and Attendance Officers based in schools. This is a new service which is aimed at new members of staff responsible for the day to day management of attendance within a school setting.

An experienced Education Welfare Officer will offer training at school in all relevant aspects of attendance management for individual pupils and across the whole school.

The service also provides for post training support for the new member of staff, so that advice can be offered to address any queries and difficult questions in relation to the management of attendance.

Our service in more detail:

You can choose the individual service elements that your dedicated attendance and welfare officer will provide, based on your choice of level of service (this list is not exhaustive):

1) Access to a trained officer with knowledge of local schools, the community, services and professional networks

2) You can choose any the elements of detailed support and guidance to suit the needs of your school > Bespoke service menu plan reflecting your school’s needs which can be amended at any time

3) Conducting 'missing child' enquiries prior to deletion from registers

4) Investigating reasons for absence and undertaking agreed actions accordingly

5) Enforcement: working with the school to manage those cases that have been referred for prosecution

6) Enforcement: processing of all fixed penalty notices due to irregular attendance and unauthorised holiday

7) Safeguarding home visits in relation to children missing from school

8) Home visits to investigate reasons for absence

9) Work with schools to offer preventative early help casework

10) Progressing cases to court including all related paperwork and giving support and providing live evidence should the case go to trial

11) Information, advice and guidance in relation to deletion from registers in order to remain compliant with legislation

12) Information, advice and guidance in relation to use of register codes in order to remain compliant with legislation

13) Support and advice in relation to school strategies to address specific periods of absence

14) Attending professionals meetings (including child protection conferences) as and when required Work to improve whole school attendance, including:

15) Participation at whole school assemblies and parents' evenings

16) ‘Late gate’ checks to address punctuality problems

17) Parent induction presentations for nursery and reception years

18) Attendance clinics

19) Punctuality, sickness and attendance workshops with parents and/or pupils > Pupil workshops addressing a range of issues (bullying, punctuality, transition etc)

20) Bespoke whole school data analysis and action planning with periodic reviews

21) Supporting schools to implement whole school attendance and absence policies and procedures

22) Training sessions for specific attendance staff, whole-school training and support training for governors

23) Delivery of bespoke INSET training sessions on absence management and improving attendance

24) Pre-Ofsted inspection preparation sessions

25) Review of whole-school attendance management systems (including rewards and sanctions)

26) Please note that you can purchase individual elements of our offer for a one-off cost alternative (pay-as-you-go basis)



Service Standards

1) Fast track to attendance process with agreed timescales

2) Feedback from schools to improve performance

Ensuring compliance with national legislation in relation to:

- Attendance management

- Register codings

- Deletion from registers

- Off site provision

3) Improvements in attendance and persistent absence rates with measurement tracking

4) Best practice processes followed

Statutory Services

1) Conducting investigations when pupils are reported as missing from school

2) Enforcement: managing cases that have been referred for prosecution

3) Enforcement: processing fixed penalty notice cases due to irregular attendance and unauthorised holiday

Standard terms and conditions apply. Please see the shopping basket for more details

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